Join Us Spring 2022...
We are Back! 2022 Hillsboro Farmers Market starts this weekend and we have PLANTS and more!
Downtown Hillsboro Starts April 23rd 9AM to 1Pm from 9AM to 1PM - FIND ALL THE INFO HERE
Orenco Station- Every Sunday- Starts April 24th, from 9AM to 1PM- Find All the Info Here
“We have been working on our family farm here in Helvetia, Oregon for decades. Our labor of love is for one purpose only- to bring the best of the earth and soil to you and your familes. All natural, always fresh, and with nothing but love, sunshine, and water to make that happen-”
What we grow...
We have grown almost everything over the years. Each plant and vegetable we produce are hand selected based upon our experience to be the best! We understand the process, our climate, and how to make sure you benefit in taste and nutrition. We offer naturally grown plant starts for your home gardens & fresh vegetables and eggs throughout the year-
More stuff…
“Behold. my friends, the Spring is come; the Earth has gladly received the embraces of the Sun, and we shall soon see the results of their Love!”